Conference Expert - our contacts

About Us

Social Responsibility

Taking responsibility for the environment and local community has been an important part of the broader commitment of the Reisieksperdi AS / Conference Expert Ltd to sustainable development for many years.

The pillars of Responsible Business:
  • Reducing our negative impact on the environment
  • Taking responsibility for the health and safety of our employees and clients
  • Creating values for our customers, employees and the communities where we operate
  • Respecting social and ethical issues in the company and the community

Conference Expert's main contribution to society is to grow a profitable, value-creating business, thereby contributing to long-term economic, environmental and social development. Our most important contribution to local communities is job creation, both directly and indirectly, which helps to enhance the local level of expertise and generates tax revenues. Local suppliers of goods and services are used where they are competitive.

How we do it:

  • We offer a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, endeavor to minimize the impact of day-to-day operations on the environment and seek actively solutions to improve its environmental performance.
  • We display good corporate governance and emphasizes openness, transparency, accountability, equal treatment and information about long-term perspectives
  • Conference Expert's suppliers and other partners are expected to comply with basic principles for corporate social and environmental responsibility which coincide with our own principles.

We support:

  • MTÜ Estonian Cancer Society
  • Lion's Estonia charity project "Thanks to the ambulance"
  • Tartu University Hospital Children's Foundation