
Kaja Põlluste

Kaja Põlluste, MD, PhD is Associate Professor in internal medicine at the University of Tartu. She has broad scientific experience from epidemiology and health policy to clinical research. Her research has been focused on the health reforms and their impact on the health of the population and quality of care from the perspective of general population, people with chronic conditions, and the elderly population, as well from the perspective of the health service providers. Currently, her research is focused on the quality of care and patient safety. She is also teaching the health care quality management and patient safety to the master students in nursing science. Currently, she is coordinating two international projects: the Horizon2020 project PATSAFE and a project “Hybrid curriculum in patient safety: integration of academic master’s education and continuous professional education in Estonia and in Norway” financed by EEA/Norway Grant. Since 2017, she has coordinated the translation and adoption of patient safety terminology into

Carola Orrego

Carola Orrego is deputy director of the Avedis Donabedian Research Institute and associate professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She has over 20 years of experience in the design, management, and coordination of projects in the field of Quality Improvement and Health Services Research. She coordinates the master’s degree program on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Her main areas of interest are focused on patient empowerment and patient safety. She has participated in several competitive research projects, including several European and International ( HANDOVER, PATIENT, EMPATHIE, PISCE, PROSTEP, EMPATTICS). She is currently coordinating the Horizon 2020 project 1. COMPAR-EU, co-chairing the AMEQUIS project and participating as WP leader of the Horizon 2020 PATSAFE project.

Hiske Calsbeek

Dr. Hiske Calsbeek (RN, PhD) is assistant professor and associate principal lecturer at the department of IQ healthcare of the Radboud university medical center. Her research themes are evidence-based perioperative patient safety and the implementation of quality improvement initiatives. Her focus in teaching is on evidence-based quality improvement. She coordinates the post-initial master program on Quality and Safety in Patient Care which is provided by all eight university hospitals in the Netherlands and has several teaching and coordinating roles in the bachelor program of the Medical and Biomedical curricula of the Radboud university, the nursing curriculum of Dialysis nursing at Radboudumc and the master program of Physician Assistants at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. In the Horizon 2020 PATSAFE project she is participating as work package leader of Safety culture and Patient involvement.

Charles Vincent

Professor of Psychology, University of Oxford
Emeritus Professor Clinical Safety Research, Imperial College London
Charles Vincent trained as a Clinical Psychologist and worked in the British NHS for several years. Since 1985 he has carried out research on the causes of harm to patients, the consequences for patients and staff and methods of improving the safety of healthcare. He established the Clinical Risk Unit at University College in 1995 where he was Professor of Psychology before moving to the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College in 2002. He is the editor of Clinical Risk Management (BMJ Publications, 2nd edition, 2001), author of Patient Safety (2ned edition 2010) and author of many papers on medical error, risk and patient safety. With Rene Amalberti he published ‘Safer healthcare: strategies for the real world’ Springer, Open Access (2016). From 1999 to 2003 he was a Commissioner on the UK Commission for Health Improvement and has advised on patient safety in many inquiries and committees including the recent Berwick Review. In 2007 he was appointed Director of the National Institute of Health Research Centre for Patient Safety & Service Quality at Imperial College Healthcare Trust. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and was recently reappointed as a National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator. In 2014 he took up a new most as Health Foundation professorial fellow in the Department of Psychology, University of Oxford where he continues his work on safety in healthcare and led the Oxford Region NHS Patient Safety Collaborative and was Director of Oxford Healthcare Improvement.