Welcome Address
Welcome to the 25th Nordic-Baltic Cardiology Congress
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Board of the Estonian Society of Cardiology and the Scientific committees of the Nordic Baltic Congress of Cardiology, we wish you a warm welcome to the 25th Nordic-Baltic Cardiology Congress of in Tallinn June 4-6, 2015.
NBCC will bring together cardiologists, clinical and basic researchers, nurses and others interested in the field of cardiovascular medicine. These 3 days will offer a unique opportunity to make friends and establish collaboration with colleagues from other Nordic-Baltic countries and worldwide.
Congress attendees will not only benefit from scientific exchange during the formal activities. Networking with colleagues with a mixture of backgrounds allows for identifying new research ideas and cooperation.
Organizers of this 25th jubilee Congress are determined to promote a stimulating atmosphere of the meeting, also hope that you will find time to enjoy the gothic city of Tallinn and explore Estonian countryside.
An active social programme will also be featured and our Host Committee will help to plan a splendid Opening Ceremony and grand Gala Dinner. During theses days you'll have possibility to experience the new Seaplane Harbour of Maritime Museum - the nominent of The European Museum of the Year 2014 and to enjoy the early Estonian summer.
Join us for a scientific and cultural experience in Tallinn, Estonia!
Prof. Margus Viigimaa,
Estonian Society of Cardiology
Chairman of the Organising Committee