
Download congress abstract book here

Event Venue - Sokos Hotel Viru ( Viru Square 4, Tallinn)

Thursday, June 13th




Conference Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Jana Kritt
  • Opening ceremony - Konstantin Rebrov, Tallinn Children's Hospital , Estonia
  • Opening ceremony - Janek Mäggi, Tallinn Children's Hospital Foundation , Estonia
  •      09:30-10:00„First 20 years of EEMCPDM“-Marek Jóźwiak, Poland

    Body posture and stability

    Moderators: Freeman Miller, Mikko Mattila
         10:00-11:15„What is the evidence for conservative treatment in neuromuscular scoliosis?“-Freeman Miller, USA
         10:30-11:00„Are the indications for scoliosis surgery different in CP, NMD and spina bifida?“-Mikko Mattila, Finland
         11:00-11:15Oral Abstracts
         11:00-11:05O1 - Children’s spine deformity in adults: the role of balance - Ona Lapteva, Lithuania
         11:10-11:15O2 - Lithuanian experience in neuromuscular early-onset scoliosis - Giedrius Bernotavičius, Lithuania

    Coffee break, exhibition


    Neuromuscular diseases

    Moderators: Antigone Papavasiliou, Inga Talvik
         11:45-12:05„SMA -Treatment options - Is there a chance for a cure?“-Katarzyna Kotulska-Jóźwiak, Poland
         12:05-12:25„New treatment options for Duchenne muscular dystrophy“-Katarzyna Kotulska-Jóźwiak, Poland
         12:25-12:45„Experience in SMA treatment in estonian population“-Inga Talvik, Estonia
         12:45-13:00Oral Abstracts
         12:45-12:50O3 -Fatty Acid Hydroxylase associated Neurodegeneration (FAHN): a case report and the importance of diagnostics - Alisa Rjabikova, Latvia
         12:50-12:55O4 - Real-world one-year rehabilitation of cerebral palsy in Estonia: an analysis of population-wide data - Grete Elanor Palgi, Estonia

    Lunch, exhibition


    Spasticity reduction

    Moderators: Marek Jóźwiak, Tarmo Areda
         14:00-14:15„Botulinumtoxin and spasticity: pro“-Marcin Bonikowski, Poland
         14:15-14:30„Botulinumtoxin and spasticity: contra“-Antigone Papavasiliou, Greece
         14:30-14:45„Intrathecal baclofen : long term results“-Teele Meren, Estonia
         14:45-15:00„Selective dorsal rhizotomy : long term results“-Jeremy Bauer, USA
         15:00-15:15„The evidence based rehabilitation approaches to improve the outcome of SDR“-Anna-Liisa Saare, Switzerland
         15:15-15:30„Implementation of SDR program in small population country“-Tarmo Areda, Estonia
         15:30-15:40„Functional therapy after SDR treatment. Summary of therapeutic plans. Therapeutic possibilities at the OLINEK Intensive Care Center“-Aleksandra Rosłoniec and Anna Stemplowska, Poland
         15:40-15:45Oral Abstracts
         15:40-15:45O5 - An overview of the cases of spastic diplegia subtype of cerebral palsy in the Children’s Clinic of Tartu University Hospital - Liis Rull, Estonia

    Coffee break, exhibition



    Moderators: Shlomo Hayek, Deirdre McDowell
         16:15-16:30„Transition from childhood to adulthood for disabled children in different countries“-Dafna Guttman, Israel
         16:30-16:45„Habilitation for the real world“-Deirde Mcdowell, USA
         16:45-17:00„Do AI and technological change improve inclusion and adaptive options for humans with disabilities“-Marek Jóźwiak, Poland
         17:00-17:15„What do we know about QoL in the disabled community?“-Garen Koloyan, Armenia
         17:15-17:30„Transition to adult care for Myelomeningocele – a change of perspective seven years after establishing a center for adults with severe disabilities“-Stephan Martin, Germany
         17:30-17:35Oral Abstracts
         17:30-17:35O6 - Investigation of age-related gait decline and potential mechanisms behind it in adults with cerebral palsy - Anders Gravholt, France
         17:35-17:45Roundtable „Life with disability.“
         17:45-18:00Invited guest - CP dancer Matvei Serednitskiy, Estonia. At the foyer of conference floor
    18:00End of the first day
    18:00-19:00Walking tour from Sokos Hotel Viru to JAIK (free of charge, pre-registration only)

    Networking event at JAIK, Telliskivi 60a/9, does not include entertainment

    Friday, June 14th



    Moderators: Jeremy Bauer, Evrim Karadağ Saygı
         09:00-09:30„Principles and philosophy behind high-tech motion analysis“-Elke Viehweger, Switzerland
         09:30-09:45„Gait analysis in mid-income countries“-Uri Givon, Israel
         09:45-10:00„Effective rehabilitation in young adults“-Kirsti Pedak, Estonia
         10:00-10:15„Consistent functional improvement Rehabilitation vs sport“-Evrim Karadağ Saygı, Turkey,
         10:15-10:30"Becoming a paralympian" - Pii Metsavas, Estonia
         10:30-10:45Oral abstracts
         10:30-10:35O7- Changes in Lower Extremity Kinematics with Free and Restricted Arm Swings in Children with Cerebral Palsy - Meltem Çelik, Turkey
         10:35-10:40O8 - Long-Term Results Equinus Deformity Treatment Of The Feet By Ulzibat And Strayer Surgery Methods In Children With Cerebral Palsy- Paviel Rakhman, Ukraine
         10:40-10:45O9 - Investigation of the stress-strain state of the foot model before and after surgical treatment by different methods - Paviel Rakhman, Ukraine

    Coffee break, exhibition



    Moderators: Uri Givon, Beth Padden
         11:15-11:30„What can we expect from fetal surgery in spina bifida?“-Sevgi Sarikaya-Seiwert, Germany
         11:30-11:45„How orthotic devices can improve function in spina bifida?“-Marc Damerau, Germany
         11:45-12:00„Social continence in spina bifida“-Ann Paal, Estonia
         12:00-12:15„Do improvements in shunt surgery correlate with mental ability?“-Sevgi Sarikaya-Seiwert, Germany
         12:15-12:30„Neuromotor and cognitive outcome at 5 years of age after open fetal repair for spina bifida“-Beth Padden, Switzerland
         12:30-13:00Oral Abstracts
         12:30-12:45O10 - Estonian national registry of the patients with neural tube defects: 2023 update and findings - Ann Paal, Estonia
         12:45-13:00O11 - The Competence Centre of Rare Diseases in Estonia - Katrin Õunap, Estonia

    Lunch, exhibition


    Orthotics and robotics

    Moderators: Elke Viehweger, Dafna Gutman
         14:00-14:15„Robotics in postsurgery rehabilitation“-Marek Jóźwiak, Poland
         14:15-14:30„Orthotics - the higher the better ,the lower the worse?“-Shlomo Hayek, Israel
         14:30-14:50„3d preoperative planning to see the future better“-Shlomo Hayek, Israel
         14:50-15:00„Do our good intentions in prescribing orthotics correlate to our patients QoL?“-Julia Funk, Germany
         15:00-15:30Oral Abstracts. Roundtable
         15:00-15:05O12 - Effects of whole-body vibration on bone mineral density of children with Down syndrome: a systematic review - Uljana Matvejeva, Latvia
         15:05-15:15O13 - Differentiated Surgical Treatment Of Knee Flexion Contractures In The System Of Complex Orthopedic Treatment Of Children - Paviel Rakhman, Ukraine
         15:15-15:25O14 - Treatment of knee flexion deformity in cerebral palsy; surgical correction of extreme deformities - Sema Ertan Birsel, Turkey
    15:25-15:30O15 - Enhancing cerebral palsy gait analysis with 3D Computer vision: a dual-camera approach - Elli Valla, Estonia

    Coffee break, exhibition


    Varia. Small but able

    Moderator: Jürgen Rünk
         16:15-16:30„Mucopolysaccharidosis: what's new?“-Natalie Weinhold, Germany
         16:30-16:45„Whats new in the treatment of achondroplasia?“-Jürgen Rünk, Estonia
         16:45-17:00„Down's syndrome - better inclusion, longer life?“-Susanne Lebek, Germany
        17:00-17:15„New therapeutic options in developmental epileptic encephalopathies (DEEs)“-Sergiusz Jozwiak, Poland
        17:15-17:30"Disability aesthetics in Contemporary art"-Kerly Ritval, Estonia
    17:30End of the second day

    Gala dinner (extra charge applies, The Teachers’ House, Raekoja plats 14)

    Saturday, June 15th


    Hip surveillance

    Moderators: Garen Koloyan, Gunnar Hagglund
         09:00-09:30„Hip surveillance -past, present, future“-Gunnar Hägglund, Sweden
         09:30-10:00„Are the indications for hip surgery different in CP, NMD and spina bifida?“-Freeman Miller, USA
         10:00-10:10O16 - A Five-Year Population-Based Study on the Radiological Outcomes of Hip Surgery on the Radiological Outcomes of Hip Surgery - Nikolaos Kiapekos , Sweden
         10:10-10:25„Presentation of EEMCPDM survey results“-Jana Kritt, Estonia

    Coffee break, exhibition

    11:15-13:30Patient day session in English: "Patients to doctors, doctors to patients"Patsiendipäeva sessioon Eesti keeles “Patsiendid arstidele, arstid patsientidele”
    • 11:15-11:30 „Transition problems in the life of Estonian patients“- Katrin Nugis, EPIKoda, Estonia
    • 11:30-11:45 „Introduction of the POGA centre-Egija Bidina, Latvia
    • 11:45-12:00 "Introduction of the OLINEK Intensive Care Center" - Poland
    • 12:00-12:15 "More satisfied and active people as a result of modern neurorehabilitation - introduction of Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre"- Mari-Liis Ööpik-Loks, Estonia
    • 12:15-12:30 Special quest: Is it a privilege to be 21 years old with SMA?- Hendra Raud, Estonia
    • 12:30-12:45 Video: Resilience and Recovery: A Young Man's Journey with Brain Injury- Adeli, Estonia
    • 12:45-13:00 „Is sailing for everybody?"- Kylli Haav - Erilised MTÜ, Estonia
    • 13:00-13:15 - „The development of physical abilities and health indices in healthy children with different physical activity" - Eva-Maria Riso, Estonia
    • 13:15-13:30 "Nutritional interventions in cerebral palsy" -Aleksandra Šilova
    • 13:30-13:45 "Provision of proactive support for children who need permanent support due to a health condition" - Marge Hindriks, Department of Children and Families, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
    • 13:45-14:00 - „Participation of persons with lived experience in the clinical pathway – from research to practice" - John Coughlan, Cerebral Palsy in the European Union Association, Luxembourg
    • 11:15-11:30 „Erikülaline: In Memoriam Allar Tael, Suu- ja jalaga kunstnik“, Kersti Harjakas, Estonia
    • 11:30-11:45 "Erikülaline: Kas olla SMA diagnoosiga 21aastane on privileeg?" - Hendra Raud
    • 11:45-12:15 „Kaisa teekond: SDR operatsioonist taastusravini“ - Aigi Mänd, Haapsalu Neuroloogiline Rehabilitatsioonikeskus
    • 12:15-12:30 „Eesti PCI patsientide lapseeast täiskasvanuikka üleminek: väljakutsed“ - Katrin Nugis, EPIkoda
    • 12:30-12:45 Video: Elu tserebraalparalüüsiga: perekonna vaatenurk- Adeli Rahvusvaheline Rehabilitatsioonikeskus
    • 12:45-13:00 Spastilisuse vestlusring - Tallinna Lastehaigla neuroloog Inga Talvik, füsioterapeut Cristina Lõokene
    • 13:00-13:07 "SDR ka täiskasvanu eas?" - Annika Niilus
    • 13:07-13:15 - „Liikumispuudega inimene kirjutab ju lihtlausete ja trükitähtedega!?" - Maarja-Liis Mölder, luuletaja
    • 13:15-13:30 - „Inimese vajadustele vastava rehabilitatsioonisüsteemi loomine: teenuse ja toe integreerimine tervisevaldkonnaga" - Brit Tammiste, Sotsiaalministeerium
    • 13:30-14:00 „Ümarlaud: Patsiendid ja spetsialistid“ Osalevad: Füsioterapeut (Jaanika Ailt), logopeed (Helen Saareoja), ETL (Elke Mäemurd), lapsevanem (Liis Türbsal), EPIKoda (Katrin Nugis), Sotsiaalministeerium (Brit Tammiste), TÜK Lastefond (Eveli Ilves)

    Closing session

    Workshops programme

    Thursday, June 13

    11:45-12:30"Bracing in neurologic scoliosis cases"- Neja, Germany
    13:30"How to use Kids Fracture tool in practise?" - Topi Laaksonen, BCB Medical
    16:00"How to use Kids Fracture tool in practise?" - Topi Laaksonen, BCB Medical

    Friday, June 14

    09:00-09:45"How to organize interdisciplinary care for severely impaired patients" - Stephan Martin, Brigit Mahlmann, Germany
    10:00-10:45"How to use Kids Fracture tool in practise?" - Topi Laaksonen, BCB Medical
    11:00-11:45"Idiopathic Toe Walking: An update on diagnosis, genetics and treatment outcomes" - Jeremy Bauer, USA
    13:30-14:15Orthotic devices - Gottinger, Germany and Ortoosimeister, Estonia
    16:00"How to use Kids Fracture tool in practise?" - Topi Laaksonen, BCB Medical