
Friday, May 17th


Registration, welcome coffee



     13:00-13:25News from PROSPECT guidelines - Saule Švediene, Lithuania
     13:30-13:55News from obstetrics - Jaanus Korjas, Estonia
     14:00-14:25Holes and needles - Iveta Golubovska, Latvia

Lunch, exhibition


Meet the experts (three groups and each group have 30 min session with the expert and 5 min to change room)

     Session AMy favourite block for femoral neck fracture - Iveta Golubovska, Latvia
     Session BMy favourite block for upper extremity - RAPTIR Expert - Giedrius Volbekas, Lithuania
     Session CMy favourite block for rib fractures - Jonathan Womack, UK
17:15End of the first day, beautiful Kuressaare on your on

Saturday, May 18th


Pain therapy

     10:00-10:25Hyperalgesia and opioids, is it exist?, Aleksejs Mišcuks, Latvia
     10:30-10:55Can we prevent chronic postsurgical pain? - Irina Evansa, Latvia
     11:00-11:25What is our experience with cryoablation? - Kotryna Valiukaitė, Lithuania

Coffee break, exhibition



     12:00:12:10Plexus Hypogastricus Superior Blockade for Interstitial Cystitis Pain Relief: A Case Report. Dr Edgars Vasilevskis, Latvia
     12:10-12:20Impact of the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery program (ERAS) in elective total hip arthroplasty – preliminary data - Afrodīte Jankovska, Latvia
     12:20-12:30Patient satisfaction comparing general with spinal anesthesia for hip replacement surgery - Anna Junga, Latvia
     12:30-12:40The use of peripheral nerve blocks for extremity microvascular flap surgery: comparison of different surgical complications - Rihards Peteris Rocan, Latvia
     12:40-12:50Which is better analgesia for the joint replacement surgery on the first postoperative day - Evita Kalita, Latvia
     12:50-13:00Fantom pain and experience in bolulinotoxotherapy - Nadija Segin, Ukraine
13:00-14:00PRO / CON session: Breast surgery analgesia: paravertebral is a best choice? - Pro Jonathan Womack, Con Juri Karjagin
14:00End of the conference

Please find BSRA 2024 Abstracts HERE