BAOPS 2025

Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the Baltic Association of Paediatric Surgeons, it is our singular pleasure to welcome you to the 17th Conference of our Association, which will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on March 27-29, 2025. Tallinn has the honour of hosting our conference for the third time.

Traditionally, we try to offer a wide-ranging scientific program that broadens the horizons, from which everyone should find useful information for their daily practical work as well. For this purpose, we invite top specialists in their field as lecturers, but we are very much looking forward to presentations from our guests within the entire spectrum of paediatric surgery. Together we can make our conference interesting and useful.
A number of internationally renowned lecturers have agreed to speak at the conference: Prof Paolo De Coppi and Prof Paul Losty from UK, Prof Mikko Pakarinen, MD PhD Seppo Taskinen and MD PhD Antti Koivusalo from Finland, Prof Faruk Hadziselimovic from Switzerland and Dr PhD Tarmo Areda from Estonia.

A meeting for nurses and physiotherapists will also take place at the conference.

Picture of Dr Matis Märtson

We look forward to seeing you at our spring conference in Tallinn!

Dr Matis Märtson
President, Baltic Association of Paediatric Surgeons
Head of the Surgery Clinic, Tallinn Children’s Hospital