Baltic Conference of Hematology 2018

Baltic Conference of Hematology 2018

Abstract Submission

The work presented should be related to the key themes of the conference and written in the English language. The work should be original and not have been presented or published in other conferences.

Abstract submisson dates

Abstract submission for new entries is available until 15.09.2018
Notification of abstracts until 20.09.2018

Abstract Topics and Key Themes

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia
  • Myeloma

Abstract Presentations

Please structure your abstract:
  • Title
  • Submitter information (First Name, Last Name, e-mail address, phone, Affiliation, Position)
  • Author/Authors with name/names of Affiliation
  • Text structure in four groups (Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions, the subgroups are not obligatory).
  • Please name the abstract file: "presenter's family name - title"

    Abstracts accepted for the conference may be presented in the form of either an Oral or Poster Presentation. Submission of an abstract implies the submitter's agreement to register for the conference, pay the appropriate conference registration fee, and make this presentation as scheduled. Submission must not exceed 300 words (excluding title).

    Please submit your abstract by sending it on e-mail address:

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Oral presentations

    Oral presentations will focus on issues related to the themes of the conference. Each presentation will be 10 minutes (including discussion).


    Each poster will be displayed during two conference days. Preferred size for printed poster is A1 (594 x 841 mm). Presenters will be asked to be available at their posters at designated times during the conference to answer questions. Posters may include photographs, statistical tables, figures, charts or other graphic material relevant to the project.

    Abstract Acceptance

    Final decisions regarding acceptance of abstracts and presentation format will be made by the members of the Scientific Committee.
    If an abstract is accepted, one author must attend the congress and present it in person.
    Submitters will be notified of abstract selection by September 20th 2018. All communication will be with the presenting author as indicated on the submission.

    For questions regarding abstract submission please contact

    Congress Secretariat Reisiekspert / Conference Expert Estonia
    Phone: +372 6 108 641
    Email: [email protected]